Afghan Hound. An astounding hound.
If you ever happen to be examining Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, see if you can spot anything that looks like an Afghan Hound. That’s how far back this breed goes, according to many experts. That’s not the only astounding thing about this amazing dog. Did you know that they can run as fast as a racehorse? Well over 60 km/h. This speed was useful when they lived with hunters in the deserts and mountains of Afghanistan. These hounds would chase down animals (even leopards) and corner them till the hunters caught up. This cleverness sets Afghan Hounds apart, being able to hunt and think independently. However, it’s this smartness and independent streak that makes this dog complicated and very difficult to train.
Dramatic, stubborn, aloof and moody are all words easily associated with this regal breed.
Of course, something must be said about the magnificent long and lustrous fur. To look this great requires a serious amount of grooming time. Daily grooming and weekly washing with shampoo, conditioner and even blow drying are a necessity to keep your Afghan Hound looking their best. While looking absolutely perfect lying on a très chic designer sofa, this is actually a breed that needs a lot of exercise. Though you have to be careful when they’re outside and off the lead. That lightning speed means they can be gone in the blink of an eye and miles away before you know it.
The Afghan Hound’s looks made it a favourite for some of the world’s most famous artists, actors and singers. Including Picasso, Salvador Dali, Mae West, Gary Cooper, Marianne Faithfull and Stevie Nicks (Fleetwood Mac), to name but a few.