Author: Kirill Repin
Avoiding the elephant in the room leads to a broken home
The home is our planet, the elephant is our carelessness and stubbornness.
According to Google, there are about 900 million dogs and 600 million cats. Now, compare that to the average CO2 footprint of a human and the CO2 pawprint of the average medium to large breed dog. It’s the same! In the USA carbon dioxide emissions per person amount to 20 metric tons per year. Five tonnes of CO2 are roughly the same as the emissions produced by one car every year.
It’s not just you that can do something about global warming. If you and your best pal can lower your carbon footprint and pawprint by 50% you can become carbon neutral. Through a combination of reducing and offsetting carbon emissions, your net contribution to greenhouse gases in the atmosphere can be zero.
How? How about home cooking. It’s one of the oldest and most nature-friendly ways to prepare the food. Also, to shop locally and buy local ingredients. That’s how we can really improve the balance and reverse the vicious cycle that the pet food industry imposes on us. Avoiding global supply chains, where tins and dry food literally travel several thousands of kilometres.
Sometimes it feels that we can’t personally make a difference. That your contribution is just too small to change anything. It’s just not true. The effect of you doing the right thing will inevitably be felt by you as well as those around you. Most importantly, by sometimes cooking for your dog they will feel much better both physically and mentally.
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Bladder control issues
Bladder control issues: Four ways to ensure that it’s no issue
It’s normal for puppies to make little mistakes. But when your conscientious canine has suddenly stopped making it to the backyard in time, there could be something physically wrong that needs to be looked into.
1. Keep a minimum amount of water to drink at night (but not too much).
2. Head for the great outdoors. Take your buddy out the moment they wake up. Reward your dog every time they go out and “do” something.
3. Watch for warning signs. If your pooch is looking restless, walking in circles, or nosing the ground, you can bet that they’re not looking for a lost ring. Try to get them outside as soon as possible.
4. Keep a regular meal schedule. Some dogs need to go outside immediately after eating. Controlling their mealtimes will help you keep tabs on their other needs as well.
Call your vet immediately, if any changes in your dog’s usual habits persist for more than two days. Also, if the urine is discoloured or they are finding it difficult to relieve themselves.

Aging: Ten tips for a longer life
It seems like only yesterday, when your dog was a small bundle of fur chasing their tail. In fact, relatively speaking, it was only a short time ago. Most dogs live no more than 15 or 16 years, and for some larger breeds, 10 years is the usual life span. And though there are plenty of 20-year-old dogs basking in their senior years, their two decades of life still put them in the “ancient” category.
While you can’t reverse the hands of time, there’s a lot you can do to keep an old friend comfortable and by your side for a longer time.
– Regular check-ups. Visit your vet at least once a year.
– Keep those paws moving. Daily exercise, ideally walking at least 20 minutes twice a day.
– Watch their weight. Healthy dogs stay fairly sleek throughout their lives. For more information, download the free EQUALS diary template.
– Add fresh food to their regular diet. Proper food leads to proper digestion and proper functioning of the immune system. EQUALS can help, by providing tailor-made balanced recipes for your dog, that you can make at home.
– Switch to healthy treats. Fruit, or baked vegetables, like pumpkin, are great snacks.
– Include natural supplements, as a once-in-a-while reward in a snack.
– Keep the water bowl full. Always, always provide fresh and clean water.
– Add some antioxidants to their food. Multivitamins in powder form are best, allowing you to mix easily and evenly.
– Keep your dog close. Hearing and vision lose their sharpness with age, you need to become their ears and take more precautions on their behalf.
– Help your children understand. Like people, many elderly dogs get a bit cranky and intolerant of interruption. You may need to ask the kids to be extra considerate of an elderly dog.

Cataracts: Care tips for cloudy eyes
Cataracts often cause problems for people, but in dogs (and cats) they usually aren’t serious enough to raise an eyebrow. After all, a dog’s normal vision isn’t much better than that of the cartoon character, Mr. Magoo. The difference in sight caused by cataracts is usually minimal, however, if your buddy needs help getting around – or if you’re concerned about preventing cataracts in the future – here are some tips.
– Beware! Rearranging furniture at home is not a fun game for your four-legged friend, and a and a little bumpy.
– Give your dog a tour. If you do move things around, or if your dog has just begun having vision problems, gently lead them around the house, so they learn where everything is.
– Keep your dog within reach. Unless the garden or yard is securely fenced, keep them on a leash whenever you go outside.
– Keep up with check-ups. Apart from being a heredity condition, the leading cause of cataracts in dogs is diabetes. (Golden Retrievers, Labradors and Poodles are particularly susceptible). When the condition is caught early, cataracts can be delayed or even prevented altogether.
– Adjust your dog’s diet. Switching to a freshly made food is the best, because you can choose the best ingredients and adjust the fibre content. There’s scientific evidence showing that fibre can help control blood sugar levels and perhaps lower the risk of developing cataracts. EQUALS can provide a tailor-made recipe you can cook for your pooch at home. Natural Eye Care supplements is another way to help your buddy alleviate the condition or even prevent it to happen.

Depression: The blues busters
Silence. Nobody to greet you at the door. The rattle of the leash goes unnoticed. Even a steak bone fails to generate any excitement. It’s not uncommon for dogs (and cats) to get the blues. Causes include illness, loneliness, lack of exercise or even winter darkness.Depression can make dogs lethargic, mopey and sad. To raise your dog’s spirits, here’s our bucket list of things to do.
– Make every day a play day. Throwing yourself into some wholehearted playing with your dog is perhaps the best way to take their mind off their troubles.
– Reflect some fun. Putting up a mirror, where your dog can see their own reflection will give them a sense that they are not alone.
– Walk away your dog’s problems. Exercise stimulates the release of endorphins, chemicals in the body that heighten good feelings.
– Prepare a dog for your baby. Don’t drop the “bomb” on them suddenly. If you’re pregnant, start using baby powder and baby lotion, so that your buddy gets used to the smells. You can also play the sound of a baby crying, so that your dog gets used to this“strange” noise.
– Include your dog in the fun. Once you have a baby, most likely you will spend most of the time taking care of them. Put a lattice-type gate across the door of the nursery. This will keep your dog outside, while still allowing them to keep tabs on what’s going on.
– Hide surprises. For dogs, home is where the good smells (and tastes) are. You can place toys or tasty homemade treats, which they can discover. Instead of being depressing, a moving day will become an adventure day.
– Cook with your dog. Nothing strengthens the bond more than preparing and eating food together. EQUALS can provide tailor-made balanced recipes you can cook for your pooch at home (
– Call home, leaving your voice on the answering machine. Hearing your voice can do wonders.
– Music to a dog’s ears. Rather than playing human music for your dog, why not play some dog music? Music tracks which feature dog sounds…
– Give your dog a new friend. Many dogs will feel better when they have another furry companion to play with.

Balanced recipes. Balanced bodies. Balanced minds.
What is balance? Is it equilibrium? Stability? Harmony? Should it be perfect? In regard to well-being, most cultures believe balance is the general concept of good health. When you feel good and you’re full of energy. Not just physically, but also mentally. The same is true for your dog.
EQUALS has created balanced recipes for your dog’s physical and mental well-being. Helping them to manage stress and anxiety. Providing them with more energy and making them feel good. While also nourishing their body, strengthening their immune system and helping them live longer.

Irish Setter. The Mad Irishman.
The Irish setter is known for its flamboyant personality and flame-coloured coat. Joyful, boisterous and loves being the centre of attention. And what’s not to love? This beautiful, elegant and athletic dog is even used as a mascot by several brands. In Ireland Bus Eireann uses the image of an Irish Setter to represent friendly, reliable and fast. How the company aims to serve its customers.
This wild rover needs a lot of training to keep in check. However, they remain the perfect family dog. In the US, the White House has seen more than its fair share of Irish Setters as first dogs. Harry Truman, Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan were all big fans.
When considering food for an Irish setter, there should be nothing mad or colourful about their diet. They tend to pile on the pounds, so a sensible food regime is vital. Their diet should consist of biologically appropriate proteins, healthy fats, ground bones and vegetables. These are packed with essential vitamins and minerals.
Learn more about dogs and good eating habits at

Japanese Shiba: one of the world’s oldest breeds
Otherwise known as the Shiba Inu, it’s believed that its ancestors were first brought to the island of Japan around 9,000 years ago. Perhaps that’s one of the reasons that they are treated as a national treasure. Or maybe it’s because of the adorable fox-like face. Whatever the reason, it’s one of the most popular dogs in Japan.
Originally it was kept as a hunting dog, because of its keen sense of smell and hearing. Seeking out small animals, like birds and rabbits, but also to help hunt down boars and bears. These days, they don’t have to work for their living. Relying on their loveable cute and cuddly appearance. Though they are known for being faithful and loyal to owners, they are also independent, aloof and stubborn. More like a cat!
Despite some cat-like tendences, their dietary requirements are purely canine. A protein-rich diet with fresh whole foods, like chicken, turkey or beef. But also with rice, green vegetables and carrots, to ensure they have all the vitamins and minerals they need.
Learn more about dogs and good eating habits at

Why we eat what we eat?
Have you ever noticed that smelling food, hearing cooking noises, or just looking at food makes you feel hungry? What’s happening is what happened to Pavlov’s dogs. Pavlov showed that dogs would salivate when they heard or saw something that they had previously associated with food. You’re no different! Salivation isn’t your body’s only response. Even without touching food your pancreas secretes insulin. This insulin lowers your blood sugar level, which makes you feel hungry.
I hope that by learning about the factors that contribute to eating habits, you will appreciate how amazing our bodies are. Eating the right amount of food is essential to survival. So it’s not surprising that our bodies ensure that the correct amount of food is consumed. Your central nervous system plays a key role in controlling hunger and feeling full. Also, the chemical substances in your brain.
Let’s not forget the influence of our surroundings on our eating behaviour. The presence or absence of food and things associated with food cause the bodily reactions that we have been discussing. The act of eating involves interaction with the world around us. Not only current surroundings, but experiences in the past. Even reminders of the previous meal: how much and what was eaten, influence the next meal.
Scientists see great potential in deeper research, to create new drugs that can help with anorexia or compulsive overeating. Of course, it’s big industry sponsoring this research. I seriously question if this is the right solution. The abundance of food and high levels of stress today make people eat more and more often. Why do we need drugs? Why don’t we just see our anxieties, desires and the thought process itself? Inward observation, without judgement or conclusions. Why we take a burger, soft drink or another candy. The same applies when we feed our dog. Can a processed food made in millions of tons (especially dry kibbles) really be healthy? Questioning and doubting leads to freedom. Maybe you will start eating properly for yourself. Maybe you will also cook once in a while for your dog. That’s the start of a great transformation.

The miniature with a giant personality
The Miniature Schnauzer, with their characteristic wise bearded face are as intelligent as they look. In fact, one of the most intelligent dog breeds. Add to that, fearless, spirited and friendly, then you have the ideal hairy best friend. Usually terriers are from the British Isles, not this one. The Miniature Schnauzer, as you might have guessed from the name, is German, first appearing the 1800s. Bred for farmers, to catch rats and other small vermin.
They have a thick, wiry double coat, which was ideal for digging into the ground, keeping the debris off. As an added bonus, they don’t shed much hair, which is ideal for owners with allergies. They are also well known for being very “vocal”. They bark when they’re happy, sad or just plain bored. So, it’s wise to train your Miniature Schnauzer, for a bit of peace and quiet.
This is a dog with bundles of energy, who just loves to play. That means they must have a diet containing fibre, protein and carbohydrates to provide for their daily energy needs. A high-quality complete and balanced food, containing all the nutrients, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants they require to thrive.
Learn more about dogs and good eating habits at our website. Have a specific question about your dog’s nutrition? We are happy to help! Don’t hesitate and drop us a email at